Single-ply Flat roof repair Systems

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A roof is expected to perform many structural and waterproofing functions. A roofs job is to waterproof and protect the building. This requires roofs to resist very high and low temperatures, rain, wind driven rain, high winds, exposure to UV radiation, snow, ice formations, and hail. In coastal areas, high winds and the hazards that often accompany high winds (such as windborne debris and wind-driven rain) can become very problematic, as this is not specifically addressed by the codes (despite a few exceptions). Corrosion from salty air can also be a factor in the performance of roof coverings as materials, systems, or fasteners can be weakened from extensive corrosion.


Roof systems typically fail when winds produce forces greater than the roof ’s strength. Winds can tear roof coverings from roof decks and can tear roof decks from framing. Roofs can also fail if punctured by wind-borne debris. In most cases, debris punctures are less of a problem on residential structures were the roof ’s slope limits the amount of rain that can enter a puncture (unless the puncture occurs in a valley or other areas of the roof where water is channeled or collected). However, in buildings with flat roofs or low sloped roofs, punctures from wind-borne debris can be devastating.